An unusual Mod appears for gamers to play PUBG in CS:GO

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  1. CS:GO has just released a mod called Go 4 The Kill, developed by gamers themselves, for you to play PUBG in this FPS.

    After PUBG took over CS:GO, which has the biggest number of online players on Steam, Valve's kid was planning to revenge. Only 1-2 weeks ago, CSGO community has raised the news that FPS will have a separate Battle Royale mode to compete directly with the opponent.


    However, when the community is suspecting, a gamer solves the problem by modding PUBG's play mode into CS:GO. Go 4 The Kill, Kinsi's Mod lets for gamers engross in the greatest self-destruct map of CS: GO and survive against the threat of the other 19 players.


    Despite not being large as PUBG, this mod actually gives gamers an experience that CS:GO has never seen before. There, the player can go parachuting into maps, loot weapons and freely move in the world, which is four times wider than Overpass - which used to be the largest official map of CS:GO ever.


    The interesting thing is that CS:GO's shooting mechanism has also changed dramatically with the larger spread and randomness. Moreover, each shot is affected by the velocity of bullet and the gravity of Earth. Therefore, the farther away the target you stand, the lower ability you shoot accurately, which shows that Go 4 The Kill tends to be more realistic, rather than lets bullets go straight like original CS: GO. This also means players cannot hold left mouse as much as when playing CS: GO, they have to click more to ensure that they shoot accurately.


    As mentioned before, Go 4 The Kill only support 20 players on a map. But Kinsi is planning to expand and support for up to 50 players and allow 3 gamers to make team. If you want to try Go 4 The Kill now, visit the website of the Mod, login with the Steam account and then activate the Mod directly on the website. (Of course, you have to own CS:GO first)​

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