Battlefield 5 reveals super graphics – Letting players build... fortress

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  1. Battlefield 5 has offered the first Trailer, has revealed the super graphics and has introduced a never- seen-before feature in the history.

    Call of Duty calls and Battlefield replies... and soon after Black Ops 4 has released Trailer, Battlefield V (Battlefield 5) also has its first Trailer. Bringing gamers to the World War II background as speculated, Battlefield 5 continues the tradition of a top graphics game with impressive battles. Not only that, FPS product from DICE will also offer a never-seen-before feature in the series history, even in the FPS community.


    Specifically, Battlefield 5 will release defense system that will allow gamers to use sandbags, barbed wires and other tools to turn their homes into fortresses to prevent attack of the enemy. Moreover, the player can dig and set up the trap, prevent the truck of the enemy from heading for the base. This system promises to make Battlefield 5 become the most varied and dynamic game when it helps players develop the creative ability in the defense.

    Battlefield 5 Trailer.

    In addition, Battlefield 5 also allows gamers to move and place some fixed weapons such as artillery, anti tank gun to the position needed. Players can use the facilities in the map to move these weapons. Coinciding with that, anyone can revive their teammates if they are in the same Squad. Medic will be the only Class who can revive anyone and push their blood to the top, because the blood bar is normally in a certain level.


    DICE promises that Battlefield 5 will focus on tactics and maneuverability in the gun battle. Gamers can crawl on their backs, look behind and from different directions. The ability to fire through walls will also appear in the game, especially with heavy weapons.


    On October 19 this year, Battlefield 5 will be officially released on PC, Xbox One and PS4. All information about the game, GameHub will update readers in the shortest time.​

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