Download Radical Heights - New PUBG-style game

Vân Anh Lê
  1. Radical Heights, the latest Battle Royale game which is somehow like PUBG, has officially been available for free downloaded.

    While PUBG rules the virtual world, more and more game developers want to have its own Battle Royale title. And Boss Key Productions, the developer of Cliff Bleszinski, is one of them. After unsuccessfully launching FPS Lawbreakers, Boss Key comes back with newcomer Radical Heights – the game has PUBG style but owns its unique color.

    Well, instead of having modern context like PUBG, Radical Heights brings gamers to a world of 1980s of Hollywood movies. This unique image helps Radical Heights draw great attention of gamers when it is released for free on PC Steam today.


    To make it easier to download the game, GameHub gives readers a guide to download Radical Heights:
    Step 1:

    First, you must have a Steam account on your PC. If you do not have, click on this link, create one and download this software:​


    Step 2:

    You run the software on your PC. Next to Store and text "Radical Heights" in the search box (at the top right corner). Then Game will appear and you click on the box.

    If you search through the browser, you can also access the Steam page of the game via:


    Step 3:

    After access Steam site of Radical Heights, click on "Play Game" to start free downloading. Radical Heights has 6GB of capacity, not much in comparison to other PC games.


    You can also look at Radical Heights’s configuration here:

    Minimum configuration
    • OS: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10.
    • CPU: Intel Core i5-2500K / FX-6300.
    • RAM: 8 GB.
    • Graphics Card: Nvidia GTX 660 2GB, AMD Radeon 7870 2GB.
    • DirectX 11.
    Recommended configuration
    • OS: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10.​

    • CPU: Intel Core i5-6600K / AMD Ryzen 5 1600.​

    • RAM: 16 GB.​

    • Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 3GB / AMD Radeon RX 580 4GB.​

    • DirectX 11.​

    All information about Radical Heights and other free games will be updated for readers as soon as possible.

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