Find out about the background of Yamoshi – First Super Saiyan in Dragon Ball

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  1. Before Goku becomes a legend of Dragon Ball, we have already had Yamoshi - the first person can transform into Super Saiyan and become a legend.

    Everyone knows how great and powerful Goku is in Dragon Ball, especially after Great Ape reaches Extreme Instinct in Dragon Ball Super. However, before Goku was born, before Super Saiyan and higher beings became a norm in this world ... there was a legend who started the destiny cycle of the Saiyan.

    To begin the story, we need to know the origin of the Saiyan. Before Saiyan's hometown was named Vegeta, this race was a barbaric species on a planet called Plant. This planet was home to the Plantians and later became the home of Tuffles – a species has advanced technology. But until the year of 550, Saiyan suddenly landed on Plant with the purpose of seeking refuge from his homeland.


    The Saiyan.

    However, war broke out soon after Saiyan fought against Tuffles. Each side has its own reasons for starting the war. For Vegeta, the Saiyan race is treated like slaves by Tuffles, despite their superior physical strength. For Baby – the villain in Dragon Ball GT, Tuffles is a species that enjoys peace and Saiyan is the aggressors. But in both versions, King Vegeta led the Saiyan race against Tuffles with their superior physical strength and numbers of people.


    The Tuffles.

    But with its advanced technology, Tuffles is always superior to Saiyan ... only before the Saiyan discovered a secret deep inside its body. There, when the moonlight appears every eight years, the Saiyan warriors can transform into Great Apes with vast power. Taking this advantage, King Vegeta conducted an attack on Tuffles, eradicated this race forever and named the planet by its name.

    From this, the Saiyan race begins to manifest its aggressive, barbaric and bloodthirsty nature, which is demonstrated by many Saiyan we will see in the future. However, among this race, there is still a man who has a very kind heart. He is Yamoshi. Seeing the evil growing in his homeland, Yamoshi started a resistance war against his species. He, along with five other comrades, was the first ray of light for Saiyan's new path.


    However, because of limited strength, these six warriors were immediately cornered. And at the very moment of danger, Yamoshi unexpectedly revealed his inner ability and transformed into Super Saiyan for the first time in the history of Universe 7. (In accordance with the theory of S-Cell that the person who has a kind heart will have more S-Cells). Moreover, Yamoshi was also powered by his five teammates. In this version, Yamoshi could directly confront with Saiyan warriors who have transformed into Great Ape, easily defeat them with their power. However, because his body could not adapt to that power, Yamoshi soon exhausted his strength and was knocked down by the enemy.​


    It is Yamoshi’s image which reappeared when Goku performed the ritualization of Super Saiyan and constantly encouraged Goku to be brave to fight against Beerus. Most of all, the image of 6 Saiyan warriors with brave hearts joining together is the reappearance of the image of Yamoshi that we have not seen for thousands of years.

    The most interesting thing is that Yamoshi has never died. His soul travels all over the universe to search for six Saiyan warriors, and perhaps Goku is Yamoshi's choice. Fans also believe that with the new plot of Dragon Ball Legends game, Yamoshi's image can absolutely come out again ... Let's wait and see.


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