Is Blade & Soul about to have a play mode like PUBG’s?

Vân Anh Lê
  1. Blade & Soul - The popular MMORPG title seems to on the verge of releasing a new Map for its Battle Royale mode like PUBG.

    Blade & Soul is still regarded as the most popular MMORPG at the moment, including in Vietnam as well as in the world. However, with the heat of Battle Royale, especially PUBG and Fortnite, it seems that this Online Game also wants to follow this new trend.​


    The story begins with the summer update of Blade & Soul's in Korean server when players accidentally discover a secret file stored in the game's data. This update offers a whole new Class called Warriors, but besides that it hides a brand-new play mode that has never been seen before in Blade & Soul.


    Moreover, players have just discovered a new closed map that has never been seen before. With the design of spreading hot areas, Blade & Soul players think this will be the new map for Battle Royale mode ... which follows the new trend of PUBG or Fortnite that is very hot at the moment.​



    Anyway, this is still speculation and Blade & Soul is not the first MMORPG case that adds Battle Royale with into its gameplay. Maybe if it's successful, it will create a new experience for Blade & Soul fans. All relevant information GameHub will update readers in the shortest time.​

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