Mutant Creatures Mod turns StarCraft 2 into... a horror game

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  1. A dense horror atmosphere unlike anything else seen in Starcraft 2 thanks to a large amout of custom assets, enviromental systems and intricate sound design. An Innovative Survival Horror game made on SCII's engine.

    We all know that StarCraft 2 is a monument of real-time strategy game, allowing players to role-play the leader of three most powerful races. But, have you ever dare to think, dare to imagine... one day, that RTS game becomes a horror game where players are surrounded by flocks of zombies?


    Exactly it is. Blizzard's blockbuster has become a horror game that will pierce the chest of the player by crazy fears and choking atmosphere. And thanks to Dead Zone - Hope Lost, StarCraft 2 successfully did that.


    When you first look at Dead Zone - Hope Lost you may not know that this is the image of StarCraft 2 that is colored with horror colors. Dark chambers, luminous red lights in the dark corners, standing dead bodies ... all these will completely erase StarCraft 2's bright images in your mind.


    Not only do some graphics changes, this Mod also brings gamers a long journey of 25 levels, 5 endings and a giant map area which is built on StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void. If you want to feel the atmosphere of despair, Dead Zone - Hope Lost will surely satisfy you.

    Dead Zone - Hope Lost's final version is expected to be available at the end of this year, however gamers can try the free demo here:

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