PUBG abrogates the lawsuit against Fortnite

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  1. According to the latest information, Bluehole and PUBG have officially abrogated the lawsuit against Fortnite and Epic Games for copyright infringement.

    In the past few months, Battle Royale community has been surprised with the news that PUBG Corp, which is responsible for the development and operation of PUBG, has filed a suit against Epic Games and Fortnite for copyright infringement. This may be the most controversial news in the beginning of 2018, and it leads to many strong arguments between gamers.


    However after that, PUBG Corp unexpectedly reversed and officially withdrew its lawsuit against Fornite. This information was confirmed after PUBG Corp's lawyer had sent a letter to Epic Games and announced its cancellation on Monday. Besides, Korean court also confirmed that the lawsuit was closed through their official website.


    Although the tension between PUBG and Fortnite is somewhat relieved after the news, both sides have not given an explanation to gaming community. It’s said that the withdrawal often occurs when both have reach an agreement outside the courtroom and the defendant compensates the complainant a certain amount of money.

    However, this is only speculation as Bluehole, the parent company of PUBG Corp ... as well as Epic Games, are held by Tencent. In the beginning of May, there was a rumor that Tencent is considering to become Bluehole's second-largest shareholder by investing $ 470 million. Tencent itself is also responsible for the development and operation of PUBG Mobile. Somebody guesses that because of the "link" of both sides, Tencent must have a certain impact to resolve this lawsuit.


    Although PUBG has abrogated the lawsuit against Fortnite, PUBG is still having another target, NetEase, with two games, those are Rules of Survival and Knives Out. Unlike the case with Fortnite, PUBG Corp has filed this lawsuit to the California court. And if this case is solved, it would be effective at the international scale. All relevant information GameHub will update readers in the shortest time.

    Readers can share their personal opinion through PUBG community and PUBG Mobile Vietnam here:

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