PUBG – Easier to determine the direction of gun sound than ever

Vân Anh Lê
  1. PUBG has made modifications on audio, allowing gamers to know the location of gunfire more accurately than ever before.

    Listening to the footsteps or defining the sounds of gunfire is always a part of PUBG player’s essential skills. Hidden dangers are always around you. In each floor, each door can be the enemy's hiding place... So the hearing ability will be a way to help you keep your life until the last circle.


    However, the problem of PUBG, as Blue Hole admits, is in the orientation of sound. Previously, players could easily identify sounds in PUBG if they were from the left or right side. In contrast, if they were from the front and back or top and bottom, it is difficult for players to determine where they come from.


    Now everything has changed when Blue Hole officially confirms to add a new system called Head Related Transfer Function to the game. In the past, this system only applied to sounds like footsteps or reloading, but now it also affects the sound of guns. Gamers can now hear the sound coming from the front and back or above and below their position, allowing them easier to specify the location of the enemy.


    At first glance, this change is not as hot as adding guns or accessories to PUBG, but it plays a very important role in demonstrating player’s skills and helps them to survive in the most unexpected attack.

    All information about PUBG as well as PUBG Mobile, GameHub will update readers in the shortest time. Readers can join PUBG community and PUBG Mobile Vietnam here:

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