PUBG hits 400 million players and offers new weapon

Vân Anh Lê

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  1. PUBG has officially hit 400 million players on all platforms and has become one of the most popular games.

    PUBG is still a craze in the gaming world, especially after the offering of Mobile version. That’s why every where we can see a man running on the phone screen or K98 in net station... But even when the name of PUBG becomes so popular, have you ever imagine the exact number of PUBG players?


    According to Bluehole and PUBG Corp's official announcement, PUBG has officially hit 400 million gamers on all platforms, including PC, Xbox One and Mobile. With 400 million players, PUBG community has automatically become one of the most popular online game communities in the virtual world.

    And to celebrate this event, PUBG on Steam has lowered the price, for the first time from its official release, to just $10 for the license key down - an extremely reasonable number for a game like PUBG.


    In addition, PUBG is also about to release Sanhok Map to the official server. With 4x4 area, Sanhok promises to be one of the most fierce battlefields. Not only that, PUBG PC version also offers a new weapon that is quite similar to Mobile version’s which was revealed not long ago. Yes, that is QBZ95 assault rifle - the exclusive weapon of Sanhok Map. QBZ95 will replace SCAR-L in this Map and appear 1.4 times more than its prequel. QBZ95 is said to use 5.56mm bullet with 30 bullets each bar.


    All information about PUBG GameHub will update readers as soon as possible. Readers can join PUBG and PUBG Mobile community to share information here:

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