PUBG Mobile - The safest place in the "bloodiest" area of Desert Map

Vân Anh Lê
  1. PUBG Mobile has just released Miramar Desert Map and some areas have become hot spots. That’s why you need to know this safest place.

    PUBG Mobile has released Update 0.5 and has given players brand-new Miramar Desert Map. Immediately some areas of this map become hot battlefields due to the concentration of loot... And one of the bloodiest areas is Hacienda Del Patron.


    Having a large number of guns and quality items, Hacienda Del Patron becomes the most favorite parachuting place of PUBG Mobile gamers and it turns into a true "grave" when gunfire gradually stops. However PUBG Mobile gamers soon find a hiding place that will help players boost their survival rate when jumping to this death land.


    Discovered by Global PUBG Mobile community and shared by a member of PUBG Mobile Vietnam community, this hiding spot allows us to see all the front yard of Hacienda Del Patron and be out of sight of the enemy. You can see this clip to know how to approach that unique hiding spot.

    In fact, “snooping” in this place is truly a gamble because if detected, the player will die cause there is no obstacles around. Most of all, if this position becomes popular, player will also be more defensive when parachuting here.

    All information about PUBG and PUBG Mobile, GameHub will update readers as soon as possible. Readers can also join PUBG and PUBG Mobile Vietnam community on Facebook Group here:

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