PUBG releases new Update – Removing Bullet Blocking "Skill"

Vân Anh Lê
  1. PUBG has just released new update in Server Test and has prepared to launch the official Server with some features that make the game truer.

    Are you now feeling confused with the title of the article with questions like: How previous players can block the bullet by hand in PUBG? Or is there new Hack software that nobody knows? Or are there any errors that the developer has ignored for more than a year?


    In fact, this is completely popular in PUBG but not many gamers care about it. For instance, in test version or Update 1.0, PUBG always distributes damage on different parts of the body such as body, head, or limbs. This creates a specialized system in gameplay, directly influencing the tactics and accurately reflecting gamers' skills.


    However, when players move, especially during gunfights where they performs a variety of moves (run, lie, sit or fire guns), their arm may accidentally move into the bullet line for the head. In other words, most PUBG players have once accidentally become Wonder Woman who blocks the bullet by hand. But with the new Update which is being tested at Server Test, this case will be completely eliminated.​


    There, PUBG will launch the system which can shoot through four limbs. That means it allows the bullet to fly over legs and arms and then causes damage to the body. Bluehole has not revealed how this system works, but it is predicted that when the bullet flies over legs and hands, its damage level will mitigate. In addition, this system will be applied to vehicles. However, we still have to wait for the official confirmation from the developer.

    This update version will add Voice Chat feature in the main menu beside in-game friends system. All information about PUBG will be updated for readers as soon as possible.​

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