PUBG - Shroud shredding in new 4x4 Map

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  1. PUBG has officially put Map 4x4 “SAVAGE” to the test and the famous player Shroud immediately dominates the game with his professional skills.

    After stop playing CSGO and turn from professional gamers to Streamer, Shroud immediately draw others’ attention when himself being a "true god" in PUBG. Watching this gamer rules the roost in PUBG, viewers have to admit that Shroud is a real killer with his good reflexes.


    Now, when new map “Savage” officially opens its doors to gaming community, Shroud takes this opportunity to, once again, prove his adaptability and fast learning. Moreover, this new map 4x4 is a challenge for him when he will face with more gun battles than ever.


    As tested by Shroud, new map is still in the early stages of development, so many graphic effects as well as models are not completed. Besides, it is not optimized so the lag occurs regularly. However, as mentioned before, the test is limited and only those who have new Key can play Map 4x4. This will help Bluehole get immediate feedback from gamers and make quick adjustments in order to bring Map 4x4 to the official Server as soon as possible.


    All information about PUBG as well as PUBG Mobile will be updated for readers in the shortest time.
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