PUBG - Shroud speaks about the 30-day ban for playing with hacker

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  1. Shroud - The most famous player of PUBG, will be "banned" in 30 days due to play with the hacker.

    In the past few days, a chaotic situation arises in PUBG community when Shroud - one of the most popular streamers of PUBG community ... has teamed up with a Hacker. The hacker also helps Shroud and Wadu fly to safe zone before pointing them a player hiding nearby. Lots of different opinions have come up around this incident. Some suppose that why that well-known PUBG Streamer does so, it's really disappointing to fans. Others protect this player and say it is just a way to reflect Hack problem to Bluehole.


    However, whatever they say, it’s sure that Shroud has broken PUBG’s rules. And soon after the incident took place, the account of former professional CSGO player was banned in 30 days. According to another source, Wadu will have to face the same penalty.


    Many fans, after hearing about Shroud's banned in PUBG, expressed their anger and protest to the developer. Many people think Shroud will have the same reaction, but this 24-year-old guy had a professional attitude to admit that his action is not right at all. He also apologized to those who felt frustrated and disappointed at his action:

    Michael Grzesiek - Shroud, said in his video.


    With this video, Shroud has showed remorse for his action. Shroud had a pretty good intention, that’s to get Bluehole pay more attention to the Hack problem in the game, but the image of a well-known Streamer Teamming Up with a Hacker is not good at all. Anyway, the penalty has been applied and Shroud has also apologized. Hopefully after this event PUBG community will “shake hands and live in peace” and the game itself will be even tougher in the fight against Hack.

    All relevant information GameHub will update to readers in the shortest time. Readers can share their opinions on this issue at Group PUBG / PUBG Mobile Vietnam here:

: english, pubg, shroud, wadu

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