Steam Link Installing Guide - App for playing PC games on Smartphone

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  1. Steam Link from Valve is officially released and allows gamers to play PC games on their Smartphone.

    You feel lazy and just want to lie down on the bed to play games on Smartphone. But your favorite game is only on PC. If you ever feel that, you should say thank to "Gaben" when his Valve has just offered Steam Link - an application that allows us to play PC games on mobile.


    As a free application, Steam Link allows gamers to stream from their PC to their mobile devices and even interact by touching mechanism. Although touching mechanism is quite limited, it brings you an exciting experience when you can play PC games right on your tiny smartphone.

    Steam Link is now available on Google Play and you can download it for free. iOS version of Steam Link is currently being reviewed by Apple, so it will take several days to reach iPad and iPhone users. Here is the Steam Link’s download link for Android:

    To use Steam Link, you do not need to sign in to your account or provide any of your private information. All you need to do is make sure that your smartphone or tablet is sharing the same network with your PC. The next step is to start Steam on your PC and start Steam Link on your phone. On Steam Link, you can connect or search for a PC connecting the same network with your phone, and you can connect with MFi or Steam console (if you have).

    After completing these above steps, you just need click on Play Game box to use your Smartphone to interact and experience all your favorite PC games. All information related to Steam Link GameHub will update readers in the shortest time.​

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