The Letter – A combination of horror game and Anime on Mobile

  1. The Letter is a horror game in which you will discover the dark and bizarre mysteries step by step, as if you are watching a qualified Anime.

    The Ermengarde mansion is built for William Ermengarde the Earl and his wife Elizabeth Ermengarde. These two are considered as the icon of peace and prosperity in this country since they help the resident to build such a sustainable economy. People who live in the village next to the mansion also love the couple, as if they are family members.


    However, the happy years soon end when a sudden plague takes away the couple’s lives, causing all of their legacy to be handed to the Ermengardes’only daughter - Charlotte Ermengarde. However, for some unknown reason, Charlotte later manually ends her life, leaving the mansion in darkness without being taken care of.

    Since then, villagers begin to see bizarre phenomena around the Ermengarde mansion. The screams and cries of resentment, the silhouette of a woman gliding through the window…, all of which led to rumors that the villa is haunted.


    Hundreds of years have passed till modern times, the villa still stands firmly despite the devastation of weather and soon belongs to a real estate corporation. In hope of selling the Ermengarde mansion soon, the company sent two of their employees, Rose and Isabella, to check on its condition. However, due to the busy schedule, Isabella isn’t able to come in time. Talking on the phone, Rose blames her friend for being not dedicated and maybe forcing her to check this ghostly mansion alone on purpose. Isabella comforts her friend not to worry and that she will be there the moment she can, without delay. However, when Isabella arrives at the mansion, she cannot find any trace of her friend. She tries to call Rose but the network operator says this phone number can not be identified, as if Rose has never existed before. Eventually, someone picks up the third call. Among lots of noise, Rose voices up… “I’m… I’m in the garret…”


    Generally, The Letter is a visual novel game in which players will feel the story through long conversations. However, do not label The Letter as a boring game because there are full of monstrous frames hidden deep inside, waiting to jump out on screen and scare the crap out of you. There is a chance that you might even drop your smartphone if you do not pay enough attention. Throughout the game, player also have certain interactions that determine the plot later such as selecting questions or repeatedly clicking on the screen to pull/push the door before the ghost gets to them.


    Only word is not enough, you have to experience The Letter in person to feel the pure horror crawling on your back endlessly. Readers of GameHub can directly download free game here:

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