The Parallel Stirring up March With Many Hot Updates – Check Out Now!

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  1. The Parallel is one of the most anticipated GameFi projects in 2022, focusing on developing an unlimited virtual ecosystem for gaming and entertainment.

    Kicking start of an exciting March, The Parallel unveiled a slew of new updates that promise will enhance users’ experience with its virtual ecosystem. As for helping you catch up with the news, this post will cover all the hottest information that was barely announced by The Parallel team.

    1. Paragon Creating Tool

    The Parallel is very proud to introduce this foundation tool which allows users to create NFTs based on their own demands, needs, and imagination. This is a very rare and unique technique that promises to affect strongly the future development of The Parallel world.

    Genesis Paragon Creator Tutorial
    • Users can create NFTs based on their own demands, needs, imagination.
    • Users can adjust the power and visual of a paragon by uncraft feature
    • Runes are divided into 12 ranks with different rarity and power levels, which helps to create paragons with various power levels
    • Para-Art is an exclusive market for creators to sell, rent creative works.
    Experience this feature on Testnet at:

    More info can be found HERE!

    2. Ascension Game

    About the game

    Parallel aims to build a gaming platform and Ascension is the first game The Parallel team develops to enter the economy and be a role model for other Game Studios to join The Parallel in the future.


    This is a PvP game with 10 players competing in each match. The concept is inspired by the Squid Game movie but is more bright and vibrant.

    Checkout the detail for Ascension here:

    Ascension highlights:
    • Players have to own a paragon to join the game
    • Power of a paragon will be transferred to Runic Energy (RE) in game. Each play turn requires 50 RE. RE will be automatically refilled within 24 hours.
    • When running out of RE, users can use PS to buy more RE if they don’t want to wait for RE refilling
    • 3 winners will share a pool of rewards: 45%, 30%, 20%. 5% left will be burned.
    Earning mechanism in Game: Earning in Ascension is based on PS token rewards gained through victory in the game arena. 10 players will compete but only 3 will share the prize pool with a 45%, 30%, and 20% split. The size of the prize pool will vary depending on variables such as the difficulty level, Paragon Power, and Runic Power parameters (undefined as of yet).


    By playing Ascension, rewards can be used to cash out, acquire runes, fuse greater runes, and/or create more powerful Paragons:​

    • PS tokens: cash out your tokens for immediate profits or use PS tokens to refill your Runic Energy to play more for the big prize pools!​

    • Runes: Mine runes and/or use your token profits to acquire runes, sell your runes for profit.​

    • Boxes: use your token profits to acquire boxes, trade boxes or open them to sell contents for profit or fuse more valuable Runes and/or craft Paragons.​

    • Paragons: use your tokens to fund the creation of Paragons with high power levels to sell for maximum profits.​

    • Rune Fusion: use your tokens to acquire lower runes, use your lower runes to fuse greater runes for sale, trade, or craft​

    For more details:

    Ascension Game is available for private Testnet and ready for Public Testnet.

    How to join the Testnet?

    You can register for Testnet here:
    Details on the Testnet:
    Start date of registration: 1:00 PM UTC, 14 March
    End date of registration: 1:00 PM UTC, 23 March
    Following these steps to register:​

    • Step 1: Quote tweet the Ascension teaser:​

    • Step 2: Craft a paragon on Paragon Creator Testnet​

    • Step 3: Submit this form to confirm your registration:​

    (*) If you don’t know how to craft a paragon on Testnet, check out the tutorial HERE!

    What are the prizes for joining?

    3 FREE MAINNET paragons for 3 users who submit an NFT Paragon with the highest power level on Paragon Creator Testnet.
    (*) Note:​

    • Any submission later than 1:00 PM UTC, 23 March will be considered invalid.​

    • Each wallet address can submit only ONE registration with ONE NFT Paragon ID.​

    • The wallet address used for registration has to match with that of the NFT Paragon submitted.​

    • A qualified paragon can be crafted on Testnet before the start date of the registration.​

    • The prizes will be granted within 10 days after the opening of Ascension Testnet. The winner has to join and play the Ascension Testnet at least ONE TIME to be verified for the prize.​

    • Say NO with CHEAT because The Parallel team will check and verify your NFT Paragon ID before confirming your prize.​

    Benefits for early registers:

    • Get ready for Ascension Testnet with a total prize pool of $10,000 BUSD worth prize pool​

    • Early exposure to game interface and its earning mechanism to optimize your investment on MAINNET​

    What to expect?
    As the Ascension competitive gaming landscape heats up, the Parallel team is preparing many new ideas:​

    • Competitive tournaments with high risk, high reward prize pools​

    • Special events with unique rewards – such as Runes and/or unique NFTs​

    • Exclusive access benefits via token holding utility​

    • Unique game modes for stronger Paragons​

    • Leaderboards
      Be sure to get up to speed to not miss any hot news!​

    3. PRL Headquater in the Metaverse
    Besides Ascension Game and Paragon Creator Tool, Open World is another unique product of The Parallel.

    The open world is a place where users can join to contribute and experience The Parallel. With this:
    • Users can co-build the world with The Parallel team​

    • Users can use their paragons to join, walk around and experience in the metaverse​

    • Gaming Studios, Entertainment Studios can build, integrate their entertainment activities​

    The Headquarter has a total dimension of 1km2 and is located in the center of The Parallel metaverse.
    With a glass dome on top, 4 entries, an urban space outside the dome, and many other constructions, users can take part in and accept more challenges to earn more profits and enjoy the open areas of it.

    Check out the detailed art concept here:

    “Infinite Metaverse” – As its slogan implies, The Parallel is a metaverse game in which players have boundless abilities to create everything, be engaged in a completely unique GameFi experience with an endless array of entertainment, gaming, and earning pathways.

    For more updates on The Parallel, follow all these social links:

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